Anonymous Community Reports
Please select the form that you feel is most appropriate.
Use your voice to report and help animals suffering from cruelty.
Code Enforcement is the prevention, detection, investigation and enforcement of violations of statutes or ordinances regulating public health, safety, and welfare, public works, business activities and consumer protection, building standards, land-use, or municipal affairs.
Use this report if you have any general crime tips you would like to report.
Fraud can include theft of time, materials, use of property, false documents, improper relationships with vendors, and more.
Use this form to provide information to the Homicide Unit regarding homicides we are currently investigating.
If you witness any illegal dumping, please use this form to send us the information.
Use this to report sexual abuse.
Tips can include safety concerns, witnessed acts, or other incidents that would otherwise indicate harm to those in or around the office.
If you see criminal activity or have tips related to criminal activity, please use this form to send us the information.
If you have seen a vandalism or have tips related to a vandalism event at our site, please use this form to send us the information.