Anonymous Community Reports
Please select the form that you feel is most appropriate.
Concern for self or others includes worries that yourself or someone might cause harm to themselves, or has expressed signs of mental health distress.
Fraud can include theft of time, materials, use of property, false documents, improper relationships with vendors, and more.
Use this form to provide information regarding a robbery.
Use this form to provide information regarding a sex crime.
Use this form to provide information regarding a shooting.
Use this form to provide information regarding gang activity.
Use this form to provide information about any illegal activity relating to a firearm (illegal sales, illegal modifications, illegal possession, etc.)
Threats include risks posed by students or other persons intending to cause harm to the school or those around them.
Threats include risks posed by employees or other persons intending to cause harm to the company or those around them.
If you see criminal activity or have tips related to criminal activity, please use this form to send us the information.