Terms and Conditions
Workplace Violence Log
Roseville Joint Union HSD is committed to providing a safe and secure environment. In compliance with SB 553: Workplace Violence Prevention, Roseville JUHSD has created resources that will help protect our employees from workplace violence. The resources for implementation of the new Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP) requirement include but are not limited to the written plan, training materials, addressing overlap between education codes, SB 906 and policies that also address safe schools/workplaces as well as report records and retention requirements.
As has been in place for many years, all staff are to report hazardous work conditions to Management or to the Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP) designee. This Workplace Violence Report form specifically addresses violence or threats of violence. If you see or know something, say something. If you are a victim or witness of threats or violence, please complete this form.
For emergencies, call 9-1-1.
Incident reports are received by administration when they are filed and are reviewed as soon as possible. All reports are taken seriously and are acted upon in a timely manner. As each incident is different, each will warrant a different response and timeline for action.
By submitting this online report, you declare under the laws of the State of California that your enclosed statements are true and correct.
Remember to report work-related injuries as directed on the Workers’ Compensation poster located with other employee labor law information.